Monday, February 2, 2009

It's Monday

Groundhog Day is a holiday celebrated in United States and Canada on February 2.

weather lore, if a groundhog, also known as a woodchuck, or marmot emerges from its burrow on this day and fails to see its shadow because the weather is cloudy, winter will soon end. If on the other hand, it is sunny and the groundhog sees its shadow, the groundhog will supposedly retreat into its burrow, and winter will continue for 6 more weeks. [sorry kids, he saw his shadow and we got six more weeks of winter -- now, would you like to be yanked from your warm adobe to tell folks this bad news? Who dreams up this crap anyway]

Okay that’s the fairy tale but listen, no matter what, we got six more weeks of winter. Now what this creature cannot tell us is what kind of weather we’ll have for those remaining six weeks. I mean, will we get more snow, storms or will things taper off and be mild. Will the temps rise and drop only at night or shall we see more deep freeze temps to test our resolve. Better yet,who gives a rip, winter is winter!


How about the Super Bowl folks? Ya the Steelers won but just barely and it was a super game. I am a huge Steeler fan so I’ll accept this win no matter what – but both teams played hard and deserved to win, unfortunately we can only have one. And the commercials, weren't they just funny this year -- about bloody time they got this right, eh?

Now I may be showing my age or perhaps the sound on my TV sucked but I was not impressed with the half time performance. I could barely understand what in hell the BOSS was singing and him running around the stage was almost like watching an ole man trying to recapture his youth. Yes, I admit it, I am not a big Springsteen fan and it probably shows but that was not entertainment that was screeching at the highest level in my book!

I remember the days when “marching bands” performed half time entertainment and we sat in awe as they marched and did various formations. Now that was entertainment – I must be getting old (and perhaps deaf too) but I don’t get this heavy rock music ---I can barely get a few words from the songs and then, they are repeated over and over until even I want to scream; “next word please!”

Okay, gone to Curves and did my morning workout, now considering a bit of snowshoeing as the weather is lovely but also I am at that lovely point: dust or plant, so perhaps I should devote a couple hours to house cleaning. That’s a good workout too.

Have a good day folks – get out and enjoy the sunshine – its truly a lovely day.

[I just realized - slow some days, that as I change the blog photo and reference to it might be a bit difficult for folks to understand. For example, the day I wrote this, I had a bird feeder shot, then I changed the photo and reference to the feeder was rather senseless. Live and learn]


Anonymous said...

Didn't you like the Boss sliding his crotch up to your TV?? LOL!! :0)

Pat said...

OMG he was just flat out OLD and that stupid "lip"hair -- he really should have someone yank that off...never been a big fan and now, even less of one!

Ole fool with his nothing frontal moves!!LOL

Anonymous said...

Yeah, He made ME feel OLD too! Nothing to write home about for sure! LOL!! :0)