Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tuesday - duh?

Some times, you just have to read headlines, shake your head and wonder, is this sheet for real?

I'm gonna enter a few items that caught my attention, and then I'm heading outside to don snowshoes and work up a sweat. After all those chicken wings, I need to workout!

You have a good day, ya hear!

Breakfast – Leave Home and Get it

Breakfast is called the most important meal of the day, and it could be on Tuesday -- because you can get it for free. And we're not talking cornflakes out of a box.

Denny’s is throwing open the doors to its 1,560 restaurants on Feb. 3 for free Grand Slam breakfasts from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m, anticipating that up to 2 million people will stop in. Stores are staffing up in expectation of big crowds and are prepared to issue rain checks to diners unable to be seated.

Plastic surgery for the Dead!

Now this really gets your attention, does it not? Wanna look good in that coffin, well, here’s your chance! Wanna have folks say, “My, she looks so young,” here’s your chance. Wanna have some say, “Damn, she has big lips,” here’s your chance. If you’re looking for breast augmentation, well, the implants will be removed before cremation -- now this outta tell ya, those suckers explode! And let’s not ignore the idea that under this program, all those wrinkles can be removed too. What the hell!!!


A college student who managed the prostitution ring that brought down former
New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer was sentenced to six months in prison Thursday. Cecil Suwal, 24, of New York, cried as she apologized and asked for mercy from U.S. District Judge Barbara S. Jones."It is my aim to prevent others, especially young girls, from making the kind of mistakes that I have made," said Suwal.She pleaded guilty last year to money laundering, conspiracy and conspiring to promote prostitution.

Let’s see, he loses being Governor and does no prison time but his favorite spice gets six months? Question is - this is called the law, right? Personally I call it the oddest screw job I ever heard of, but then I haven't hear'em all, have I?

One last tidbit and it's a follow up to a previous blog entry. Seems many folks were unhappy with the Boss ramming his crotch into our TV sets as he slid across the stage. But that wasn't nearly as bad as the commerical that never should have been aired that had this gal helping release "willy" for the world to see and then, to have willy do his own show. Word to the wise, keep willy under wraps, my friend, way under wrap!

Well, I may be back later, if I can stop laughing and trust me, I don't wish to review that Willy commerical again either!!! LOL

OMG I went outside and did about three laps around my house on snowshoes and while the temp is lovely 15 degrees, that damn wind is bitterly cold. I could hardly feel my face and knew it was time to get back inside. I truly wanted to snowshoe longer but not in that wind. Maybe later it will warm up and I can try again...unreal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish there was a Denny's still around here! You KNOW I'm all about the free food! :0)