Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Okay, let’s keep this woman in the headlines a bit longer. Here’s the latest on the Octo-Mommy. [you know the woman who gave birth to 8 kids and has six at home, making a total of 14 kids under one roof -- ah, now you remember]

Supposedly she is currently getting $490 a month in food stamps. Three of her first six kids are disabled, so she also gets federal public assistance for that as well.

During her interview with Ann Curry on Today, Octo-Mommy denied that she was a welfare mommy. She doesn’t think food stamps and public assistance counts as being on welfare. She went on to say, She doesn't SEE that as welfare, because all she sees is millions of babies dancing around in her eyes cooing, "Birth me, Angelina! Birth me, Angelina!"

I think she needs a dictionary or even Wikipedia and then, she can look up the word WELFARE. What in hell does she think this word means?

In addition, Octo-Mommy said she is going back to school to get her masters in counseling (excuse me, diaper sheet is still sheet), so she could take care of her many children. She also said, "I will do the best I possibly can. In my own way, in my own faith, I do believe wholeheartedly that God will provide in his own way."

Why am I thinking “and by God she means ME and YOU

Here’s another story that needs to find another roosting place and get away from us sane people – mother of mercy, give it up!!!


Fat mother 'killed son by sitting on him'

An overweight mum has been accused of suffocating her son by sitting on his chest.

Lakeesha Brown, 28, told police in Kansas City, Missouri, she accidentally rolled on the seven-year-old as he slept in her bed.

But after they found other injuries on his body, Brown was charged with murder and child abuse.

Okay, I gotta get me a beer, this news is just too much ---come on, why are you smiling! I didn't make this shit up, it actually happened!

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