Thursday, February 12, 2009


Okay you animal lovers and dog walkers, why do you think that during the winter months or white stuff means you don’t need to “clean up” after you dog dumps his dinner on the village sidewalks? Where in hell did you get the idea this is only necessary during Spring, Summer and Fall but Winter its not necessary? HEY STUPID, shit is shit, no matter what the season, clean it up!

It was so nice to actually put on tennis shoes and go for a walk this morning. I mean, the sidewalks were bare, no ice, no snow and yes, some flowing water from yard run-offs, but for the most part, clear and easy to walk upon. Hell, one could actually get a good pace going without fear of slipping on the ice. Then, wham, dog shit, and now you are literally forced to side-step, step-over and in some cases, go around these piles of poop! These are not last weeks turds, oh no, this was today's contribution and what? --- the owner didn’t think we’d notice – WRONG!

It’s the same with you idiots who think tossing stuff out the car window in the winter is okay too. Damn, it doesn’t take long before our streets look like trash lanes for every insect, disease and sickness mankind can create – we are such an innovative species! Come on, people, let’s stop being slobs and take some responsibility here.

Norwood is a nice village and we all need to help keep it clean and attractive. Let’s wake up and be responsible citizens and keep our town clean. Ya, like this is gonna work but hey, it’s worth a try and when you bitch about the trash, dog poop, and tossed bottles and cans, think about what you did with that trash in your car!

Thar, I feel better, had my rant and now, on with the rest of the day. And NO I am not going to clean up after YOUR dog -- forget it! I would like to say I'd get even if I caught you but that ain't gonna happen either. All I can do is appeal to your better nature and I know you got one. Better yet, would you want your kids, wife, husband, grandkids, guests or anyone entering your home with a shoe full of dog shit? Now, I got your attention -- CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR DOG!

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