Thursday, May 21, 2009


Hey, don’t shoot the messenger but it’s supposed to hit 59, maybe 60 degrees here in Warroad, Minnesota. Like us, they too have been having some lousy, damp, chilly and down right cold weather lately. So these temps are greeted with high expectations.

I left New York yesterday, nice drive to Ottawa and West Jet flights are fantastic and great personnel. When I arrived in Winnipeg, it was overcast and a little chilly but not bad. My son greeted me with this huge smile on his face and when I said he looked tired he replied; “well, I had to carry your bike on my shoulder and had a head wind the entire way here. But we’ll have the wind to our backs going home!” Ya like that’s gonna happen -NOT!

Trips always have their moments and we had ours in Winnipeg. This is a lovely city and if you are careful, you can drive through it or around it with little trouble. Like any city rush-hour traffic is a bloody nightmare and of course, we were in the thick of it yesterday. To make matters worse, some “thing” or “one” hit a traffic post and knocked that light out of commission, so now we got two cops directing traffic. Not bad, eh? But wait, the pole was blocking half of the two lane highway, so now cars had to merge and get around this pole. Why didn’t they just pick up the pole and move it to the side? Bets me, must have been union cops, can’t do that work and if they were waiting for city maintenance to get there, lots of luck, it took us 45 minutes to get passed this mess!

My job this morning was great fun. I got to get the grandkids up, fix them breakfast (bowls of cereal, real impressive, huh?), make sure they washed their hands and face and brushed their teeth. Then it was get dressed for school, check out book bags and take what you supposed to take and then, have them outside to catch the bus. Oh man, this was easy and I was so proud of myself – then I happened to look and my grandson forgot his homework papers and the note asking that be allowed to ride the bus home today. Holy sheet – one day and I screwed up all ready. I gotta do better with this grandma work, eh?

Tomorrow is the big Kindergarten graduation and trust me; my granddaughter is all set and ready for this event. She has even instructed me where to stand or sit to get the best photos. As this ceremony takes place in a gym, it’s a lousy photographic area and a challenge to get anything other than “orange” looking photos! Well, I shall do my best and then, download and share will all of you.

That’s it for now – have a great day, keep smiling and more to follow soon.

1 comment:

Moonbeam said...

Hey! Glad you're having fun out there! You missed a day in the 80s here! This weekend is gonna be in the 70s!! WOO-HOO!! :0)

I'm going to Fort Stanwix in Rome, NY for an F&I Reenactment! No Rain!! :0)

Safe travels! Can't wait to see the pics & hear the tales!! :0)