Saturday, May 30, 2009

Weather and Tips

When you walk out the door in the morning and see this in the sky......

go back inside, have another cup of coffee, and stay home. It's NOT going to be a good day.

Tip on retrieving something you drop down the sink Just watch..... It’s quick and useful! Good for jewlery! This is one of those tips you wish you had known about before you took the sink apart or called the plumber!!!!! It is a great tip and it saves much better can it get?!


Yes it is Saturday morning, one more day and we can wrap up the month of May --- gee, what can we expect from June -- sunshine? Now that would be a shock, eh?

I noticed my flower garden is full of weeds, hell, the weeds are higher than the flowers and until it drys up, the weeds shall rule -- gotta love weeds...what choice do you have at the moment!!!

Another dreary day, thank goodness I got the French Tennis Open to watch -- or I'd truly be bonkers. Have a good day...keep smiling


Jessica C said...

That was neat! Almost tempted to try it and see if it really works. Almost.

Pat said...

Hey Jess, I tried it, it does work -- looks odd but it worked...too goofy. Hope all is good with you?