Monday, May 11, 2009


I did not realize this until later but whatever, my niece had called me weeks ago to ask if I would participate in some 3rd grade class project and I said, sure, sounds like fun.

The class is involved in a very fun and exciting Geography project based on the book “Flat Stanley” written by Jeff Brown. Through this experience students are hoping to learn about the different regions of New York State. In the book Flat Stanley is flattened by a falling bulletin board. One of the many advantages is that Flat Stanley can now visit his friends by traveling in an envelope.

So Stanley arrived in the mail on Saturday and I get to treat like a guest for 2-7 days. Take him places and record each of his adventures in his daily journal. There’s even a map so I can color where Stanley visited, which is cool (haven’t colored in years – love being a kid).

Now they even sent a disposal camera (return it and they’ll process the film) however I found my digital camera and email worked great and the teacher was able to download my letter(s) from Stanley and photos for the students. I even took photos of Stanley so they could see him too.

What was interesting was while at Curves this morning, I mentioned this project and within seconds other gals were saying they too had a Stanley sent to them and they loved the project too. Then we learned that Stanley has been all over the place, not just in New York State but other states as well. This is truly an amazing project and so much fun.

Sadly I have to mail him back at the end of the week but trust me, Stanley has had some fun adventures. I don’t think all of them should be shared with 3rd graders though – I mean, what would they think if they learned Stanley drank beer, ate fatty foods, etc.? Ya, see they don’t need to know this stuff and after learning he was underage, the booze was off limits (should of checked earlier, right).

Oh I’m really into this Wii Fit program too. Got my daughter doing it and while she is (1) younger, (2) more flexible, and (3) younger she was able to do many of the exercises much easier than me. However I am proud to announce that as of today my fitness age was 41 – now that is damn impressive!!! And I am losing weight at a very acceptable rate too…that definitely made me feel better. Oh this is a hoot and if you don’t rush it or get upset, you can enjoy these workouts.

I finally learned how to make the damn ski jump work too – had to lift my freakin feet –imagine. I thought I just had to extend my legs and fly thru the air – hell, my flying was down the bloody hill. Lift the legs and steady yourself and now you float down the ski jump and get a decent score. Hey, it’s all in fun and great exercise. So, I plan to do it everyday except Sunday (got chastised because I didn’t workout Sunday but hey, a gals gotta have a day of rest, right?).

Hey, the sun is shining, a tad chilly outside – earlier the temp was 34 degrees and currently it’s 53 and climbing. And yes, Damnit, I too had to turn the heat on yesterday –that damp chill was just too much and I was sick of being cold!

Keep smiling and have a great day!

1 comment:

gwadzilla said...


I just printed out my FLAT STANLEY PHOTOS this am... mailing them out today!

we got the Wii Fit too...
Flat Stanley was not into it

what was your favorite Flat Stanley Photos Shoot?