Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Just Stuff

Yup, Moose remains "king of the hill," and that's only fair and just.

Today I just grabbed various headlines and made a few comments to share with you...nothing all that exciting.

Waiting to see if it's gonna rain and if so, that screws up my plan for this afternoon...oh well, nap are still good!

Susan Boyle has been all over the news and it is refreshing to see a “normal, everyday, down to earth” individual bringing all of us back to reality. And man can she sing – what an amazing voice. Now she has to deal with her new look and all the crap this has created – Damnit, leave the woman alone!

Study says kids who watch adult TV may have sex earlier –

Researcher David Bickham said: "When kids watch media with sex and innuendos, they are more likely to engage in sexual activity earlier in life." He advises worried parents to ban TVs from kids' bedrooms, limit screen time to two hours a day and watch shows with their children.

Excuse me, but this is considered news? This line of reality has been around a long time and once again, some asswipe is making a case for himself and what, justifying his research dollars – hello, get a life!!!

Kirstie Alley: 'Yes, I Gained 83 Pounds'

Say and think what you want about this gal but Damnit she is real – like none of this stuff happens to us average folks, like bloody hell. Hey, all those prepared meal diets are great if you can afford the price of those meals and it is proportioned, prepared meals that you can do yourself with a little reading and time. Hey, Kirstie claims she will lose this weight and I for one believe her. You know what, give her a chance, she is just like the rest of us, up and down, fat, slim, heavy, light, come on, who in hell said because she’s an actor she can’t have weight issues, for crying out loud!!! Screw Jenny, Kirstie, go for Weight Watchers!!!

So on the weather front it sure as hell looks and feels like rain and according to our weather personnel, damp weather is gonna be with us for the rest of week and weekend -- oh sure, Mom's day will be wet -- what else is new!

Keep smiling folks -- life is good!


Moonbeam said...

I've been waiting for the rain to start all day! No rain! :0)

I hope they are wrong about rain for the next 6 days! :0) Hot & sunny is what I want! :0) (I know, don't hold your breath Moonbeam!)

Pat said...

Hot and sunny, Moonbeam, you gotta buy a better brand of booze, you're having delusions!!!