Monday, March 9, 2009


Oh come on, we all have ideas on how to save money, jobs and keep those school traditions alive and kicking. Unfortunately reality hits us and we are tossing and turning over – lose a teacher or lose a sport? Lose a teacher or cancel music? Lose a teacher or reduce bus runs? Oh hell, the list goes on and on, right.

Well, I think both Minnesota and Colorado have a pretty good thing going on and although I have no idea how much school desks and/or school chairs cost and I am guessing they are more expense than, say, an exercise ball! And you all thought I was nuts when I wrote that I had purchased an exercise ball and was using it.

It seems some teachers in Fort Collins, Colorado, consider the exercise ball a teacher’s dream (holy sheet, teachers dream? Amazing!). No more slouching, no more wiggly little boys and no more snoozing at desks. All the teachers had to do was ditch the classroom chair. And replace it with an exercise stability ball and this improves student posture and attention.

When I was in Minnesota in December I visited my grandson’s classroom and discovered they don’t use desks. The students sit or lie on the floor while working via computers. Everyone seemed happy, content and learning and the theory is, it works and the kids are learning and having a good time too.

Gee, what a novel concept – both of them and it works. I have no idea what the school saved on desks and/or classroom chairs but the fact is this new way of teaching has definitely enhanced the learning curve in these classrooms.

As for the weather - it is weather that's for damn sure! It's currently 25 degrees, a few schools have closed due to freezing rain and some, well, they were on delayed openings and who knows, they may have closed by now too. If this continues, it would not surprise anyone to see businesses close and send employees home. I drove back from Curves but before I could even think about driving, I had to scrape the ice off my jeep and wait for ice to melt so I could see thru the windshield. And yes, the roads are slick. I put the jeep in part time 4-wheel drive just to give me a sense of safety (quit, I'm being good here).

Yes, welcome to MONDAY! Ole Man Winter is not done with us and Mother Nature is allowing "him" this rant just to make him feel manly. Damn she can be a bitch at times!

Okay, on to your motivational tip of the day:

Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a college kid with a maxed out charge card.

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