Sunday, March 22, 2009


Hey, don’t put those snow boots and coats away yet!

Yup, woke up this morning and we now have yet another white blanket on our lawn. Well, that’s what we get for feeling so frisky and thinking spring meant something like GREEN!

Now yesterday was nice, sun was shining and all that good stuff but I gotta tell ya, that wind was chilly and that should have been sufficient warning that colder stuff was headed our way – it’s now 32 degrees and I don’t see it rising any time soon…ye gads!!

Oh I loved this headline – “with the economy down, vasectomies are up!” Now the experts say the following is the reason - Their best guess is that the trend is due both to a decreased desire to have children because of the expense involved, and an increased desire to get such medical procedures done before their jobs -- and health insurance -- disappear. Well, I gotta say for once the male has stepped up to the plate. Usually it’s the men who want the woman to have her tubes tied, stay on the pill forever, or some other process that will reduce chances of a pregnancy.

On the nutrition front – eggs are back on the good list – sheet, I never took them off my list, did you? For starters, eggs are a great source of protein. They also provide vitamins A, E, B6 and B12, and the yolks contain carotenoids, which promote good eyesight, and choline, an essential nutrient linked with cell functioning and a healthy liver. Well, damn, ain’t it nice to know we were not stupid after all!!!

(AP) -- The publicist for British reality TV star Jade Goody says she has died at home after a long and public battle with cervical cancer. Rest in peace Jade.

Tennis: Holy sheet, the tennis front is becoming quite interesting. Indian Wells has seen some major upsets this week. Get this Roger Federer, Number two in the tennis world, was beaten by Andy Murray who is ranked number 4. Then, Andy Roddick whose rank I do not recall at the moment but has recently shown a very improved game was beaten by Rafa Nadal who is ranked number one. So, what does this mean, it means the championship match will be Rafa vs Andy Murray. Care to place a bet? My money is on Rafa – the man is on a win-win role that doesn’t seem to show any signs of changing soon.

Have you ever watched those “Travel” shows especially with the so called successful chefs or supposed experts on taste buds? Well, I gotta tell ya, I watch these shows only because TV sucks and this at least is entertaining. Andrew Zimmerman is a total nut case. This man will eat anything – let me give ya a few examples: cow’s urine tonic,
Fresh goat’s blood, giant flying ants, penis soup and donkey skin, etc. And they get paid to do this stuff, plus travel to all this crazy places. Where in hell was I during my college years that I missed these classes or opportunities? In fact I don’t recall any classes or counselor suggesting a culinary career for me – ummm, why was that?

Well, I think I have bored you long enough for a Sunday morning. Yes, it is still snowing and I am sure the maple syrup folks are thriving big time…still haven’t made it to a sugar house but maybe today – where in hell did I leave that dog sled?

Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Aren't you just a weath of info this morning!! :0)

I'm watching Rick Steve's Europe RIGHT NOW! I like that he shows things/places off the beaten path! :0)

I hope you have a wonderful Sunday! & get out there to a sugar shack near you! :0)

Pat said...

Moonbeam, the temp is now 28 and the wind is whipping like a snake, I ain't going anywhere in this shit.

Who in hell is Rick Steve? I gotta watch that show -- love the off the beaten path stuff..that'show I tour places.

Take care, more later..enjoy the day.

WiseAcre said...

Yea, it was a bit of a shock to look out and see snow this morning. At least by noon it has pretty much melted here.

I saw your photo on NCN. That was a keeper but you went and removed it from here :(

That traveling food show would be better classified as a "Jackass" segment. Man eats anything. I'd rather watch that show where people get 10 bucks for kissing stupid stuff.

As you say - TV SUKS. What really hurts is we're now talking PBS

Anonymous said...

Rick Steve is on PBS TV! :0)

That's the way I like to travel as well! I like to see where the people that live *there* eat & shop, etc.! Drives my Mom crazy! She likes to go to every monument & museum! (I like those too, but within reason!) :0)

See? You & I should travel together! :0)

Pat said...

Well, I think we all agree, TV SUKS and that includes PBS these days. We need more "reality" shows. I should dream up one and invite all of you to come along?

Tonight is tennis, so I shall be a happy camper for a little while but the temps are gonna drop too...sheet! Heel of day!

WiseAcre said...

I see you couldn't wait to put up that new photo of the STAR-LING. I wouldn't have been able to resist either - GREAT SHOT.