Sunday, March 8, 2009


Yes, you set those clocks forward, right? Yes, you lost an hour’s sleep. Yes, this just poops the bed. Are you sick of yes yet?

To the left is signs of spring...something is popping up in my flower bed. Don't ask me what -- I planted so many bulbs I have no idea what in hell is there anymore. I just hope the deer leave my tulips alone this year!

Now for some more bird photos! Oh give it up, soon I will find something else to capture my attention and time, for now its birds, deal with it. I do know I need to buy a bird bath place for them to drink or bathe, and that my friends, is just flat out rude!

Can you see the red on the head and breast -- kind of cool, eh? Is this a mark of shame or what?

This is just a busy place to eat and they all wait patiently for a chance to get to the feeder. There's other feeders but they all want this one -- go figure!

Okay, Saturday was overcast and had a few spits of rain but the rain really didn’t start coming down until 6:30 or so, and then, it came down. Hey, unless there were huge piles of snow, it has definitely been replaced by grass. No real puddles yet – seems to be running off beneath the ground for some reason. But have no fear, we shall see plenty of spring puddles and I for one, love to splash through them. No matter what the age, this is one of favorite spring-time activities. Come on, surely you remember doing this as a kid? Got your new boots and had to try them out, right? I can still hear my Mother yell, “take those wet boots off in the entry way – oh my, you’re soaking wet – strip!”

Just had to show off this woodpecker again -- I still am amazed that I capture him on film, and wished to hell I had my bigger camera with me but hey, you work with what you have at the moment.
A pileated woodpecker, amazing!

So that is Sunday's blog -- more to follow - in the meantime, here's your motivational tip of the day (brain exercise):

Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.


Anonymous said...

You should send that woodpecker pic in to a mag. someplace! :0)

I *think* you blushing bird is a House Finch or a purple Finch... not sure which! :0)

As for puddles, I'm with you! I LOVE jumping into & splashing through puddles! P.J.'s nick-name was *puddle jumper* when he was little! He would jump IN puddles, never over them! LOL! :0)

This time change nonsense just kicks my butt! WHY do we do this??

Enjoy your Sunday my friend! :0)

Pat said...

Moonbeam, have no idea where to send that photo but no sweat, it was worth sharing here.

Oh ya puddles are the greatest fun around...who can resist them? Not me and age has nothing to do with the fun you have jumping in one either.

Yup, someone else informed me the red-headed-breast bird is a house finch. Now we know, who in hell needs a book?

Ya, time change is goofy -- have a good Sunday my friend.