Tuesday, March 10, 2009


You know sometimes you just have to realize there was or is a reason why something was or was not possible. Or a reason why something is or is not done. Yeah, like this is news to anyone…fun to say this crap but it’s pretty normal, right?

For two years I have been “trying” to cross country ski and I have given it a very dedicated effort. I did realize that I needed a shorter ski, that ten foot board in front of this 5 foot body was just too much. I also accepted the reality that cross country skiing was a lot different than downhill skiing, which I have and can do. But this cross country stuff just escapes me (ya, I know, look for a smaller country). Now I discover my not getting it may have been a good thing. Consider this, in Bangor, Maine cross country skiers are being targeted by at least one ornery and territorial owl. It seems this great horned owl swoops down from a tree with talons outstretched and smacks them on the head. So, my learning curve has just gone up!

Can’t afford to buy your own house? Well, here’s an idea – have 8 kids, become Octu-MOM and let dear ole Daddy or some “Daddy” buy you a home. Of course this is after your (1) are famous for having this many babies, (2) ostracized for being so stupid as to get pregnant when you all ready have 6 kids at home and (3) supposedly have $50,000 in college loans to payoff. But hey, if you can survive all this and the “judgment” of the entire world, you might just get a new home. Oh ya, I see ya rushing the fertility clinic – slow down, it’s closed!

Now this next “reason” is gonna make ya smile – well, maybe it’ll make you smile. Seems Utah needs to boost tourism so guess what – they’re gonna open bars to the public. Say what? You see, currently you had to be a member of a private club system, pay a fee to enter the bar or be the guest of someone in the club. And you wonder why folks live in that state – can you say Mormon?

Okay, enuff of this nonsense. I guess my days of walking without crampons are not here yet. So I need to strap those on, get my coat, hat, and gloves and of course my trusty camera and head out of my morning walk. Let’s see, its 25 degrees – makes for a brisk walk, right? Unfortunately it’s also slick so no real pace can be set as ice slows me down to almost a crawl. Have I mentioned this before “the only good ice is in a glass?”

More later….Tuesday should be an interesting day…haven’t looked at the daily weather forecast but any time we’re above ground is a good day, right?

You keep smiling Sunshine!

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