Sunday, March 15, 2009


Here we go again and again, we remind folks that “ides” is merely another word for 15 and this 15 happens in every month, not just March – got it? Good!

Also, there are those who view the Ides of March as doom but in Roman times this was a festive day dedicated to the god of Mars and usually a military parade was held. In modern times, the term Ides of March is best known as the date that
Julius Caesar was assassinated.

It’s too bad we can’t just celebrate and remain festive instead of rehashing this assassination. Oh well, we need to remember our past to insure a future or some such nonsense.

More and more folks are sharing with me that crocus are popping up, they are seeing more birds, even robins and with the snow nearly gone and ice melting and rivers rushing, they are wildly excited and proclaiming spring is close at hand. Hey, some are so damn sick of being cooped up, they have already grabbed rakes and began raking the yards and definitely picking up the twigs and branches that have snapped or been blown into their yards. As for me, I got a pile of grass and dirt that the village plows have created in my front yard and I wonder, “will they come back and fix this or is this my job?”

I don’t usually do workout stuff on Sunday; a day of rest is good and needed for the body, soul and mind, right? However I was damn lazy yesterday and figure a nice walk today is needed – gotta keep those juices flowing or some such crap!

Did my walk, felt good but I gotta tell ya, I am feeling some blisters and that amazes me. I have been walking, snowshoeing and even cross country skiing, and I have been wearing boots and crampons, it’s not like
this is my first day of “real” walking. So I am amazed that blisters are forming, what in hell is up with this sheet?

So you all have a lovely Sunday and if possible, get outside, it’s gonna be a fantastic day. Ya, any day we’re above ground is fantastic, right? Sorry, you submariners, I didn’t mean to slight ya, let’s just say any day we’re still breathing is a great day, okay?


Two nuns are riding their bicycles down the back streets of Rome .

One leans over to the other and says, "I've never come this way before."

The other Nun whispers, "It's the cobblestones."

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